10月28日,英国英中足球论坛代表团一行莅临米兰(中国)参观交流访问,并于体育场举办欢迎仪式。英中足球论坛代表团团长,英国Stockport County足球俱乐部总裁Steve Bellis、英中足球论坛访华足球队主教练,前著名曼联前锋Brian McClair、英国职业足球球员联合会教育主管,前职业足球球员Oshor Williams、英国Kickworldwide公司总经理Steve Cartwright、英国Stockport County足球俱乐部教育主任Bob MacCallum、青训主管Richard Chapman、英中足球联合发展中心董事长刘凯祥、总经理高维嘉、国际项目经理刘博及其他英国英中足球论坛代表共50人与米兰(中国)理事长姜波、国际校长李华、监事会主席,校体育委员会主任徐国富、体育学院院长王志强出席了在体育馆举行的隆重而热烈的欢迎仪式。体育学院师生代表参会。国际交流中心主任王鹏主持欢迎仪式。
On 28th October,thedelegationofthe UK-China Football Forum visitedXi’an Peihua Universityanda welcome ceremonywasheld at the stadium. The delegation was led by Steve Bellis,President of Stockport County Football Club, Brian McClair,Former Manchester UnitedStriker andHeadCoach of thefootball team of the delegation, Oshor Williams,FormerProfessionalFootballPlayer andEducation Director of the British Professional Footballers' Federation, Steve Cartwright,General Manager of Kickworldwide, UK, Bob MacCallum,Education Director of Stockport County Football Club,UK, Richard Chapman,Youth Training Team Supervisor of Stockport County Football Club, Liu Kaixiang,Chairman of the UK-China Football Joint Development Center, Gao Weijia,General Manager of the UK-China Football Joint Development Center, Liu Bo,InternationalProjectManager, and 50 representatives of theUK-China Football Forum. A total of 50 representatives of the UK-China Football Foru,teachers and students fromthe School of Physical Education and SportsofXi'an Peihua Universityattended the welcome ceremony withDr.Jiang Bo,Chairman of the Board of Xi'an Peihua University, Li Hua, International PresidentofofXPHU, Xu Guofu, Chairman of the Supervisory BoardandDirector of the University Sports CommitteeofXPHU, andWang Zhiqiang,Dean of the School of Physical Education and Sportsof XPHU.Grace Wang,Director of International Exchange Center of XPHU, presided overthe welcome ceremony.

Dr. Jiang Boexpressedhis warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to thevisiting of thedelegation of the UK-China Football Forum.He stated thatXi'an Peihua University,as aninnovative universitythat has given birth to three Guinness World Records and fifteen World Records,wasverydelightedto engage inexchanges with the delegation of the UK-China Football Forum.
At the same time, hesaidthat our university is actively promotinginternationalizationandexpandinginternational exchangesand we would encourage our teachers, students and men's football team to go to the UK for exchange and study, to promote wider international cooperation, football culture and academic exchanges between China and the UK.
Finally,heexpressed his best wishes for the success of the event.

英中足球论坛代表团团长、英国Stockport County足球俱乐部总裁SteveBellis对学校给予本次活动的支持和承办表示衷心的感谢。SteveBellis对于培华悠久的历史和学校浓郁的学术氛围表示钦佩。他表示本次活动是一个通过足球交流促进中英教育合作的良好开端,为双方将来开展更加广泛的足球交流与教育合作奠定了坚实的基础。最后,SteveBellis表示,他期待在培华百年校庆时再次率团访问培华庆祝百年华诞。
Steve Bellis, Head of Delegation of the UK-China Football Forum and President of Stockport County Football Club of the UK, expressed hissinceregratitude to ouruniversityfor the support given to this event.
The delegation visitedtheHistory Museumof the university. Steve Bellis expressed his admiration forthe university's long history and strong academic atmosphere.He stressed that he looks forward to establishing long-term cooperation and friendly relations with Xi’an Peihua University. He said that this event is a good start to promote education cooperation between China and the UK through football exchanges, and lays a solid foundation for the two sides to carry out more extensive football exchanges and education cooperation in the future. Finally, Steve Bellis expressed hisexpectationto lead a delegation to visit Xi’an Peihua University again and to celebrate the centenary ofXi'an Peihua Universitytogether.

After the welcome ceremony, the representatives ofthe UK-China Football Forumandthefootball teamofXi'an Peihua University held a uniqueandfriendly football match in the stadium. In this friendly match, the twofootball teamsperformed well and were commendable. This friendly match aims to strengthen the football culture and education exchanges and cooperation between China and the UK, and enhance the football culture and sportsmanship. It provides a stage for football lovers on both sides to show their football skills。

With the referee's whistle, both players quickly entered the state and started a fierce competition. With excellent teamwork and skilful footwork, our football team launched many threatening attacks.Andthe playersfrom the delegationof the UK-China Football Forum demonstrated tenacious defence and sharp counter-attacks, which made the game a wonderful spectacle.

After the match, players from both sides shook hands and hugged each other on the field, exchanging ideas and experiences from the match. They crossed the barriers of language and culture with football and established a deep friendship.

This friendly football match not only demonstrated the football skills and sportsmanship of the players from both sides, but also built a bridge forfootball culture and education cooperationbetween China and the UK. We believe that this friendship will continue in the future, building a bridge between China and the UK in education, science and technology, and innovation.

Beforethe welcome ceremony, ProfessorRichard Li-Hua, the International President ofour university,and colleagues of the International Exchange Center, warmly welcomed the delegation of the UK-China Football Forum to visitour university.Grace Wang,Director of the International Exchange Center, led the delegation to visit the History Museum ofthe universityand made a wonderful explanation. The delegation expressed their sincere admiration for Xi 'an, the oldest city in China, andXi'an Peihua University, the oldest private university in China.

Writer: Tuo Yuchen
Translators: Zhang Jing
Photographers: Liang Jiaou
Auditor: Wang Peng
Coordinator: Wang Peng